Understand your relationship with marijuana better.

Control your habits using expert knowledge and AI algorithms.

Stay on the safe side using expert knowledge and AI algorithms.

How it works?

Personalized action plans

Developed using the knowledge of top experts in the field, our app supports the user in achieving one of four goals – break, usage reduction, monitoring and quitting marijuana altogether.

Plan 01


Detox until further notice. Plan an effective reset from cannabinoids.

Plan 02

Reduce intake

Reduce your daily doses and monitor your body's reactions.

Plan 03

Quit marijuana

Get the right motivation, take bold steps, develop new habits.

Plan 04


Control both recreational and medical consumption and get recommendations to help you improve your daily well-being.

Risk level

Thanks to AI, our app can alert you to the likelihood of moving away from your set goal.

Usage monitoring

When do you most often experience cravings for marijuana? Learn more about yourself and your daily choices.

Mindfulness and mind fitness

Sets of exercises prepared by professionals will help you achieve your goals and solve problems with irritability, concentration, anxiety, unregenerate sleep.


Take care of your well-being, read expert advice.

Interact with chatbot

An easy-to-use and responsive messenger available at any time and from anywhere in the world.

What can we help you find?

I don’t want to quit weed – is Cannabe for me?

Absolutely. Cannabe offers four distinct goals: quit, reduction, break, or observation. Even if you’re not ready to quit, you can work on reducing your usage, take a break, or observe your consumption.

What happens to my data?

All data collected is stored as aggregate information. We utilize it to devise models for tailored psychological interventions.

Is Cannabe like online therapy?

Cannabe is a supportive tool, but it does NOT replace therapy or a therapist.

Cannabis education

Basics of Cannabis: Facts, Statistics and Active Components

The popularity and therapeutic potential of cannabis have made it a focal point of research and debate. Whether you’re considering its medicinal properties or just curious about its effects, understanding the basics of cannabis is essential. This article delves into the facts, statistics, and active components that make up this multifaceted plant. The Psychoactive Powerhouse…

Marijuana withdrawal: What are the symptoms and how can one cope with them?

Cannabis, popularly known as marijuana, has become an integral part of many people’s lives. However, like many substances, quitting it can lead to certain withdrawal symptoms. In this article, we will explore the withdrawal symptoms associated with marijuana and offer strategies to cope with them effectively. Withdrawal symptoms and other difficulties An in-depth look at…

Cannabis Consumption: Various Methods and Their Effects

Cannabis has gained substantial attention for both recreational and medicinal uses. The methods of consumption can widely vary, each carrying its own set of effects and experiences. This article aims to enlighten readers about different cannabis consumption methods and their resulting effects. Weed spraying: A Medical Approach The medical application of cannabis through spraying and…

Cannabis Dependence: Reasons People Quit, Symptoms and the Healing Process

Cannabis, while known for its recreational and medicinal properties, can lead to dependency for some individuals. The journey of reducing or quitting cannabis use is challenging but offers many benefits. This article provides insights into the reasons people quit, the symptoms of cannabis dependence, the healing process, and suggestions on how to reduce cannabis consumption….